Monday, March 26, 2012

Albariño and Szechuan Chicken

Salneval Albarino 2010


I am usually am pretty picky about whites and rather have a red. This is my first Albariño (Woohoo! Another one for the list! Read Quest) and it might just be my new white champion! It smells of apricot and pear with a floral touch. Crisp and full bodied, it reminds me of marshmallow, fruit candy that is not too sugary. Has hints of pineapple and a touch of vanilla.It is smooth and has a drying end with a lingering taste. Great wine with a little buttery which surprises me! OOOO

I made Szechuan steamed chicken with salted mustard stem, ginger, tomatoes. Steamed for an hour until all the juices filled up the bowl and had it over rice. Hmmmm. I got overly excited and finished my plate before taking any photos of it. Oh well, here are some of the choppings. Although I cannot say I enjoyed the pairing very much. I had a sip of the wine with the chicken and never touched it again. It was not bad but it was not good either. I ended up saving the rest for later. Nonetheless, this was a still Double Yum! 

Chopped ingredients on top of chicken thighs ready for steaming!

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